Company information
Details about Checkmark Ltd.’s company registration and F-gas certification.
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Checkmark was founded by me, Justin Macklin, in the summer of 2023. In many ways Checkmark is a passion project because:
I also care about our planet and am very aware of the risks that refrigeration gases present. I believe the UK F-gas laws are appropriate and fully support them. That’s why I became Category 1 F-gas qualified to carry our all activities in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) systems.
Checkmark is my ‘have cake and eat it’ solution for DIYers looking to install a heat-pump or air-conditioner: it allows keen and competent DIYers to do the majority of the preparation and have a professional, qualified F-gas engineer do the connecting, testing, commissioning, and certifying of the system. Checkmark aims to do that in an open, transparent way at a fixed cost that is much lower than a traditional install.
I hope that this approach helps with the uptake of heat pumps (and air-conditioning units used as heat pumps for heating) by making them more affordable and less disruptive to install, while enabling and encouraging safe and legal practice. My aim is to help people access heating that has less impact on both the environment and their wallet.
Checkmark is based in Bromley, Kent and offers a range of related services to London and the South East. It’s worth getting in touch if you’re located outside this area too.
Checkmark is a registered F-gas company .
Staff have an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service - adult worksforce) certification. Please enquire if you want to check this online.
This website has two purposes:
Feedback and suggestions are welcomed. To help prevent spam I don’t publish an email address here, so please use the contact page.
Details about Checkmark Ltd.’s company registration and F-gas certification.
This page provides detail on how Checkmark Ltd uses and cares for your personal data.