Company information

Details about Checkmark Ltd.’s company registration and F-gas certification.
Company logo

Companies House information

Checkmark Ltd is registered in England and Wales as company number 15063402 Opens in a new window.

Our registered address is:
Suite A , 82 James Carter Road
Bury St. Edmunds
United Kingdom
IP28 7DE

Operational base

We run our day-to-day operations online from Bromley, Kent.

To help protect against spam and scams, we don’t publish email addresses on our website. Please use the online contact form and we’ll be happy to confirm any details.

F-gas register

F-gas register certified logo Opens in a new window

Checkmark is F-gas company certified. Our details can be confirmed using the F-gas register Opens in a new window.

Business directory listings

Check mark is listed on various company directories, including:

UK Small Business Directory Opens in a new window The UK Small Business Directory Opens in a new window.

Yell Opens in a new window Checkmark on the Yell website Opens in a new window.

Cylex local Search Opens in a new window Checkmark on the Cylex Local Search Site Opens in a new window.

FreeIndex Opens in a new window Checkmark on the FreeIndex website Opens in a new window.

Scoot Opens in a new window Checkmark on Scoot Opens in a new window.