Possible planning rule changes
A new UK Government consultation on permitted development rights was issued on 13 February 2024.
The consultation seeks views on potential changes to several existing permitted development rights including those for electric vehicle charge points and air source heat pumps (ASHP).
Of course, it is the latter that is of most interest to Checkmark - and perhaps you as a reader of this web-site. Proposed changes to ASHP permitted development rights include:
- Changes to the noise assessment criteria.
- Relaxing the requirement for an ASHP to be installed at least 1 metre from the property boundary.
- Increasing the 0.6m3 size limit on the outdoor unit.
- Dwellings to be permitted to install two ASHPs rather than one.
- Standalone blocks of flats to be permitted to install more than one air source heat pump.
- Amending Class G of Part 14, removing the condition that ’the air source heat pump is used solely for heating purposes'.
The consultation is obviously looking to relax requirements for ASHPs. Checkmark particularly hopes that the current requirement of ‘air source heat pump be used solely for heating purposes’ is removed, because it’s presence potentially excludes equipment that can provide cooling as well. See planning permission in the ‘info’ section.