The Checkmark service

Connect, test, commission, certify - the installation steps that must be done by a qualified F-gas professional.
Professional connection

Checkmark will connect, test, commission and certify your heat pump or air conditioner system.

After you have planned, but before you start work on your DIY install, please use the booking pages to arrange a free, no obligation call with Checkmark. The aim of the call is:

  • To enable Checkmark to gain an understanding about your individual project.
  • Confirm what is required to ensure your install is both safe and legal.
  • Confirm the price - usually as quoted on our booking pages, unless there are additional requirements.
  • Answer any questions you may have.

If you decide to go ahead, we’ll arrange a booking to connect, test, commission and certify your system. You can then quote Checkmark as your F-gas installer when purchasing your system.

In terms of responsibilities, Checkmark keeps it simple: we’re responsible for the work we do and you’re responsible for your work.

See the booking pages for full details.

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